2022-04-12 05:26:01 +00:00
Ext.define('PBS.form.maintenanceType', {
extend: 'Proxmox.form.KVComboBox',
alias: 'widget.pbsMaintenanceType',
comboItems: [
['__default__', gettext('None')],
['read-only', gettext('Read only')],
['offline', gettext('Offline')],
Ext.define('PBS.window.MaintenanceOptions', {
extend: 'Proxmox.window.Edit',
xtype: 'pbsMaintenanceOptionEdit',
mixins: ['Proxmox.Mixin.CBind'],
subject: gettext('Maintenance mode'),
width: 450,
fieldDefaults: {
labelWidth: 120,
2022-05-14 12:38:58 +00:00
apiCallDone: function(success, response, options) {
if (success) {
let datastoreStore = Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup('pbs-datastore-list');
if (datastoreStore) {
// delay a bit to allow the window to close and maintenance mode to take effect
setTimeout(() => datastoreStore.load(), 10);
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items: {
2022-04-12 14:52:14 +00:00
xtype: 'inputpanel',
2022-04-12 05:26:01 +00:00
onGetValues: function(values) {
if (values.delete === 'maintenance-type') {
values.delete = 'maintenance-mode';
} else if (values['maintenance-type']) {
const escaped_message = (values['maintenance-msg'] ?? '')
.replaceAll('\\', '')
.replaceAll('"', '\\"');
const maybe_message =
values['maintenance-msg'] ? `,message="${escaped_message}"` : '';
values['maintenance-mode'] = `type=${values['maintenance-type']}${maybe_message}`;
delete values['maintenance-type'];
delete values['maintenance-msg'];
return values;
items: [
xtype: 'pbsMaintenanceType',
name: 'maintenance-type',
fieldLabel: gettext('Maintenance Type'),
value: '__default__',
deleteEmpty: true,
xtype: 'proxmoxtextfield',
name: 'maintenance-msg',
fieldLabel: gettext('Description'),
2022-04-12 14:52:14 +00:00
// FIXME: disable if maintenance type is none
2022-04-12 05:26:01 +00:00
setValues: function(values) {
let me = this;
let options = {
'maintenance-type': '__default__',
'maintenance-msg': '',
if (values['maintenance-mode']) {
2022-04-26 06:23:34 +00:00
const [type, message] = PBS.Utils.parseMaintenanceMode(values['maintenance-mode']);
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options = {
'maintenance-type': type,
2022-04-26 06:23:34 +00:00
'maintenance-msg': message ?? '',
2022-04-12 05:26:01 +00:00