728 lines
23 KiB
728 lines
23 KiB
# General collections for any movie library (will be replicated for each movie library)
- repo: templates/collections
- repo: templates/dynamic_collections
### New Content
"Added This Week":
template: { name: New,
level: "++" }
summary: "Movies now playing on Plex"
type: movies
sort_by: release.desc
# Movie added in the last 7 days
added: 7
content_rating.not: NC-17, NR, X, MA-17, Not Rated
visible_library: true
visible_home: true
visible_shared: true
### Trending
# Box Office
"At The Box Office":
template: { name: New,
level: "+++" }
summary: "Now playing on a screen near you"
trakt_boxoffice: true
collection_order: custom
visible_library: true
visible_home: true
visible_shared: true
# Trending online
"Trending Now":
template: { name: Chart,
level: "+++" }
summary: "The hottest movies right now"
imdb_chart: popular_movies
collection_order: custom
sync_mode: sync
visible_library: true
visible_home: true
visible_shared: true
# Trending on Plex
"What Everyone Is Watching":
template: { name: Chart,
level: "++" }
summary: "What other subscribers are checking out"
libraries: "Movies" # Only consider movies in the Movies library (even when building this collection for 4K Movies)
sync_mode: sync
collection_order: custom
list_days: 30
list_size: 15
list_minimum: 2
visible_library: true
visible_home: true
visible_shared: true
# Recommendations from me
"Editor's Choice":
template: { name: Chart,
level: "++" }
summary: "Our top picks"
- https://trakt.tv/users/nwithan8/lists/recommendations-plex-sync?sort=popularity,asc
collection_order: release.desc
visible_library: true
visible_home: true
visible_shared: true
### For the User
# Random list of 10 movies released in the last 10 years
# Regenerates every time the user visits the page
"Something New":
template: { name: New,
level: "++" }
summary: "Let's try something new"
type: movies
# Movie released in the last 10 years
release: 3650
unplayed: true
limit: 10
visible_library: true
visible_home: true
visible_shared: true
# Random list of 30 movies released in the last 5 months and added in the last 2 months
# Regenerates every time the user visits the page
"Spin The Wheel!":
template: { name: New,
level: "+" }
summary: "New releases for you to take a chance on!"
type: movies
# Movie released in the last 5 months
release: 150
# Movie added in the last 2 months
added: 60
limit: 30
visible_library: true
visible_home: true
visible_shared: true
### Top Rated
# Top movies via IMDB, updated twice a week
"Best Of All Time":
template: { name: Award,
level: "++" }
summary: "Dive into the best films ever made"
imdb_chart: top_movies
- weekly(wednesday)
- weekly(sunday)
visible_library: true
visible_home: true
visible_shared: true
# Top 70s movies via IMDB, updated monthly
"Best of the 70s":
template: { name: Decade,
level: "+" }
summary: "IMDb's top movies of the 1970s"
- https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?title_type=tv_series&release_date=1970-01-01,1979-12-31&num_votes=1000,&sort=user_rating,desc
schedule: monthly(1)
visible_home: false
visible_shared: true
# Top 80s movies via RottenTomatoes, updated monthly
"Best of the 80s":
template: { name: Decade,
level: "+" }
summary: "RottenTomatoes' top movies of the 1980s"
mdblist_list: https://mdblist.com/lists/hdlists/rottentomatoes-com-s-best-of-the-80s
schedule: monthly(1)
visible_home: false
visible_shared: true
# Top 90s movies via RottenTomatoes, updated monthly
"Best of the 90s":
template: { name: Decade,
level: "+" }
summary: "RottenTomatoes' top movies of the 1990s"
mdblist_list: https://mdblist.com/lists/hdlists/rottentomatoes-com-s-best-of-the-90s
schedule: monthly(1)
visible_home: false
visible_shared: true
# Top 2000s movies via RottenTomatoes, updated monthly
"Best of the 2000s":
template: { name: Decade,
level: "+" }
summary: "RottenTomatoes' top movies of the 2000s"
mdblist_list: https://mdblist.com/lists/hdlists/best-of-the-00s
schedule: monthly(1)
visible_library: true
visible_home: false
visible_shared: true
# Top 2010s movies via RottenTomatoes, updated monthly
"Best of the 2010s":
template: { name: Decade,
level: "+" }
summary: "RottenTomatoes' top movies of the 2010s"
mdblist_list: https://mdblist.com/lists/hdlists/best-of-the-2010s
schedule: monthly(1)
visible_library: true
visible_home: false
visible_shared: true
# Top 2020s movies via IMDB, updated twice a week
"Best of the 2020s":
template: { name: Decade,
level: "+" }
summary: "IMDb's top movies of the 2020s"
- https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?title_type=tv_series&release_date=2020-01-01,2029-12-31&num_votes=5000,&languages=en&sort=user_rating,desc
- weekly(wednesday)
- weekly(sunday)
visible_library: true
visible_home: true
visible_shared: true
# Movies with a perfect RT score, updated monthly
"The 100 Club":
template: { name: Award,
level: "+" }
summary: "RottenTomatoes' movies with a perfect score"
mdblist_list: https://mdblist.com/lists/hdlists/100-on-rottentomatoes-com
schedule: monthly(1)
visible_library: true
visible_home: true
visible_shared: true
# Worst movies of all time, updated monthly
"Just the Worst":
template: { name: Award }
summary: "The worst movies of all time."
- https://trakt.tv/users/hdlists/lists/worst-movies-of-all-time
- https://trakt.tv/users/nwithan8/lists/5-or-less-on-rotton-tomatoes?sort=rank,asc
collection_order: audience_rating.desc
schedule: monthly(1)
visible_library: true
visible_home: true
visible_shared: true
### Genres
## All genres collections are updated twice a week by default
"What's The Deal With Airplane Food?":
template: { name: Genre }
summary: "Some of the best stand-up you'll ever see."
- https://trakt.tv/users/lish408/lists/stand-up-comedy-specials
collection_order: release
visible_library: true
visible_home: true
visible_shared: true
"Spoofs and Parodies":
template: { name: Genre }
summary: "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery"
mdblist_list: https://mdblist.com/lists/hdlists/top-50-parody-movies-of-all-time
visible_library: true
visible_home: true
visible_shared: true
"Slam Dunk":
template: { name: Genre }
summary: "The best sports movies, ever."
mdblist_list: https://mdblist.com/lists/hdlists/150-best-sports-movies-of-all-time
visible_library: true
visible_home: true
visible_shared: true
"Get In, Get Out":
template: { name: Genre }
summary: "Don't forget about the getaway driver out front"
mdblist_list: https://mdblist.com/lists/hdlists/best-heist-movies-of-all-time
visible_library: true
visible_home: true
visible_shared: true
"On The Edge Of Your Seat":
template: { name: Genre }
summary: "The suspense is killing us!"
- https://www.imdb.com/search/keyword/?keywords=psychological-thriller&ref_=kw_ref_rt_usr&sort=release_date,desc&mode=detail&page=1&title_type=movie&genres=Thriller&user_rating=5.0%2C&release_date=2000%2C
visible_library: true
visible_home: true
visible_shared: true
"What a Twist!":
template: { name: Genre }
summary: "Bet you didn't see THAT coming..."
mdblist_list: https://mdblist.com/lists/hdlists/crazy-plot-twists
collection_order: custom
visible_library: true
visible_home: true
visible_shared: true
"Based On A True Story":
template: { name: Genre }
summary: ""
mdblist_list: https://mdblist.com/lists/hdlists/based-on-or-inspired-by-a-true-story
collection_order: custom
visible_library: true
visible_home: true
visible_shared: true
"A Real-Life Whodunnit":
template: { name: Genre }
summary: "True Crime Documentaries"
- https://trakt.tv/users/lish408/lists/true-crime-documentary-series-film
collection_order: custom
visible_library: true
visible_home: true
visible_shared: true
# Good weekend movies, only visible on home on Saturday and Sunday
"Kick Back and Relax":
template: { name: Genre }
summary: "The best movies for a lazy weekend afternoon"
- https://trakt.tv/users/hdlists/lists/sunday-afternoon-movies?sort=rank,asc
collection_order: audience_rating.desc
visible_library: true
visible_home: weekly(saturday), weekly(sunday)
visible_shared: weekly(saturday), weekly(sunday)
### Series and Collections
"How Did This Get Made?":
template: { name: Collection,
level: "++" }
summary: "The films of the podcast 'How Did This Get Made?'"
- https://trakt.tv/users/lish408/lists/how-did-this-get-made-podcast
collection_order: audience_rating.desc
visible_library: true
visible_home: true
visible_shared: true
"Rom-com Central":
template: { name: Collection,
level: "++" }
summary: "Rotten Tomatoes' best romantic comedies of all time"
- https://trakt.tv/users/lish408/lists/rotten-tomatoes-the-200-best-romantic-comedies-of-all-time
collection_order: audience_rating.desc
visible_library: true
visible_home: true
visible_shared: true
"Best Movie Ever":
template: { name: Collection,
level: "++" }
- https://trakt.tv/users/nwithan8/lists/best-movie-ever?sort=added,asc
collection_minimum: 3
delete_below_minimum: true
visible_library: true
visible_home: true
visible_shared: true
"Worst Movie Ever":
template: { name: Collection,
level: "++" }
- https://trakt.tv/users/nwithan8/lists/worst-movie-ever?sort=added,asc
collection_minimum: 3
delete_below_minimum: true
visible_library: true
visible_home: true
visible_shared: true
"1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die":
template: { name: Collection,
level: "++" }
# summary provided by Trakt
schedule: monthly(1)
- https://trakt.tv/users/sp1ti/lists/1001-movies-you-must-see-before-you-die
collection_order: critic_rating.desc
visible_library: true
visible_home: true
visible_shared: true
"100 Movies Bucket List":
template: { name: Collection,
level: "++" }
# summary provided by Trakt
schedule: monthly(22)
- https://trakt.tv/users/dildogarden/lists/100-movies-bucket-list
collection_order: rank.desc
visible_library: true
visible_home: true
visible_shared: true
"The Criterion Collection":
template: { name: Collection,
level: "++" }
# summary provided by Trakt
- https://trakt.tv/users/maxwelldeux/lists/the-criterion-collection
collection_order: critic_rating.desc
visible_library: true
visible_home: true
visible_shared: true
"Bond. James Bond.":
template: { name: Collection,
level: "+" }
summary: "007 forever"
mdblist_list: https://mdblist.com/lists/hdlists/james-bond-movies
visible_library: true
visible_home: false
visible_shared: false
"I Love You 3000":
template: { name: Collection,
level: "+" }
summary: "The Marvel Cinematic Universe"
- https://trakt.tv/users/cybercelia/lists/mcu
collection_order: release
visible_library: true
visible_home: false
visible_shared: false
"Tell Me, Do You Bleed?":
template: { name: Collection,
level: "+" }
summary: "The DC Cinematic Universe"
- https://trakt.tv/users/maxrax/lists/dc-cinematics
collection_order: release
visible_library: true
visible_home: false
visible_shared: false
"Disney Channel Original Movies":
template: { name: Collection,
level: "+" }
summary: "You're watching Disney Channel"
- https://www.imdb.com/list/ls093405279
collection_order: release
visible_library: true
visible_home: false
visible_shared: false
"To Boldly Go":
summary: "The Star Trek collection"
template: { name: Collection,
level: "+" }
- https://trakt.tv/users/dgw/lists/star-trek-canon
url_background: https://i.redd.it/vz20prnp8v551.jpg
visible_library: true
visible_home: false
visible_shared: false
"In A Galaxy Far, Far Away":
summary: "The Star Wars collection"
template: { name: Collection,
level: "+" }
- https://trakt.tv/users/sonicwarrior/lists/star-wars-canon-timeline
url_background: https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1579566346927-c68383817a25
visible_library: true
visible_home: false
visible_shared: false
"Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica":
summary: "The Battlestar Galactica collection"
template: { name: Collection,
level: "+" }
- https://trakt.tv/users/mraniki/lists/battlestar-galactica-universe
url_background: https://wallpapercave.com/wp/vPJGO64.jpg
visible_library: true
visible_home: false
visible_shared: false
"To Be Or Not To Be":
summary: "The Shakespeare collection"
template: { name: Collection,
level: "+" }
- https://trakt.tv/users/michaeldibben/lists/shakespeare-plays
url_background: https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1598391990342-311775e3d374
visible_library: true
visible_home: false
visible_shared: false
## Use DC as suffix to avoid name conflicts with static collections
## These get generated in the order they are listed here, so put the more intensive ones at the bottom
Best of Year DC: # mapping name does not matter just needs to be unique
type: number
sync: true
starting: 2014
ending: current_year
title_format: Best of <<key_name>>
- Best_of_Year
The A List: # mapping name DOES matter, since this isn't based on a template
type: tmdb_popular_people
data: 100 # top 100 actors right now, according to TMDb
Per-Holiday DC: # mapping name does not matter just needs to be unique
type: custom
years: New Year's Day
valentine: Valentine's Day
patrick: St. Patrick's Day
easter: Easter
mother: Mother's Day
memorial: Memorial Day
father: Father's Day
independence: Independence Day
labor: Labor Day
halloween: Halloween
horror: Horror
trick: Kid-Friendly Halloween
slash: Slasher
thanksgiving: Thanksgiving
christmas: Christmas
hallmark: Hallmark Christmas
title_format: <<key_name>> <<library_type>>s
- Per_Holiday
years: "🎊 "
valentine: "💘 "
patrick: "☘ "
easter: "🐰 "
mother: "🤱 "
memorial: "🪖 "
father: "👨 "
independence: "🎆 "
labor: "⚒ "
halloween: "🎃 "
horror: "👻 "
trick: "🍬 "
slash: "🔪 "
thanksgiving: "🦃 "
christmas: "🎅 "
hallmark: "🎁 "
years: range(12/26-01/04)
valentine: range(02/01-02/20)
patrick: range(03/01-03/18)
easter: range(03/20-04/30)
mother: range(05/05-05/10)
memorial: range(5/18-6/7)
father: range(06/15-06/20)
independence: range(06/23-07/11)
labor: range(09/01-09/10)
halloween: range(10/01-10/31)
horror: range(10/01-10/31)
trick: range(10/01-10/31)
slash: range(10/01-10/31)
thanksgiving: range(11/01-11/30)
christmas: range(12/01-12/31)
hallmark: range(12/01-12/31)
years: "++"
valentine: "++"
patrick: "++"
easter: "++"
mother: "++"
memorial: "++"
father: "++"
independence: "++"
labor: "++"
halloween: "+++"
horror: "+"
trick: "++"
slash: "+"
thanksgiving: "++"
christmas: "++"
hallmark: "+"
years: "Ring in the New Year with these movies!"
valentine: "Love me tender, love me sweet, never let me go."
patrick: "Kiss Me, I'm Irish."
easter: "Hoppy Easter!"
mother: "Thanks Mom!"
memorial: "Remembering those who gave their lives for our freedom."
father: "Thanks Dad!"
independence: "Celebrate the 4th of July with these movies!"
labor: "Labor Day is a day off, but these movies are hard work."
halloween: "Boo!"
horror: "Don't be scared, it's just a movie."
trick: "Trick or Treat!"
slash: "He's right behind you!"
thanksgiving: "Gobble gobble!"
christmas: "Cozy up with some Christmas classics."
hallmark: "Christmas movies with extra-sap!"
- https://www.imdb.com/list/ls066838460/
- https://www.imdb.com/list/ls000094398/
- https://www.imdb.com/list/ls057783436/
- https://www.imdb.com/list/ls064427905/
- https://www.imdb.com/list/ls063934595/
- https://www.imdb.com/list/ls062665509/
- https://www.imdb.com/list/ls051733651/
- https://www.imdb.com/list/ls072551197/
- https://www.imdb.com/list/ls002014923/
- https://www.imdb.com/list/ls020471057/
- https://www.imdb.com/list/ls068664510/
- https://www.imdb.com/list/ls080925875/
- https://www.imdb.com/list/ls002014923/
- https://www.imdb.com/list/ls023118929/
- https://www.imdb.com/list/ls000099714/
- https://www.imdb.com/list/ls000835734/
- https://www.imdb.com/list/ls091597850/
- https://www.imdb.com/list/ls000096828/
- https://trakt.tv/users/movie-pal/lists/valentine-s-day
- https://trakt.tv/users/barsaky/lists/den-svateho-valentina-valentine-s-day
- https://trakt.tv/users/abbelea/lists/movies-best-of-love
- https://trakt.tv/users/triadcool/lists/irish
- https://trakt.tv/users/sympli/lists/st-patricks-day-movies
- https://trakt.tv/users/29zombies/lists/halloween
- https://trakt.tv/users/galacticboy/lists/not-so-spooky-halloween
# - https://trakt.tv/users/kairbear08/lists/halloween
# - https://trakt.tv/users/mybicycle/lists/halloween
# - https://trakt.tv/users/jayinftl/lists/halloween
# - https://trakt.tv/users/roswellgeek/lists/halloween
- https://trakt.tv/users/hdlists/lists/halloween-movies-for-kids
- https://trakt.tv/users/lish408/lists/31-days-of-horror-2023
- https://trakt.tv/users/hdlists/lists/80s-slasher-movies
- https://trakt.tv/users/galacticboy/lists/thanksgiving-movies
- https://trakt.tv/users/shahid1296/lists/thanksgiving
- https://trakt.tv/users/retrogran/lists/thanksgiving-season-movies
- https://trakt.tv/users/padawan_seneca/lists/vibe-autumn-tv-series-movies
- https://trakt.tv/users/movistapp/lists/christmas-movies
- https://trakt.tv/users/questdvd/lists/absolute-hayes-christmas-classics
- https://trakt.tv/users/littlestella3/lists/christmas
- https://trakt.tv/users/mzdiobolik/lists/hallmark-christmas-movies
- 185103 # Hotel Transylvania
- 11716 # Addams Family
- 750822 # Addams Family Animated
- 313086 # Conjuring
- 91361 # Halloween Collection
- 8581 # A Nightmare on Elm Street Collection
- 1733 # The Mummy Collection
- 8091 # Alien Collection
- 2980 # Ghostbusters
- 751156 # Hocus Pocus
- 23437 # A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)
default: true
default: true
default: true
default: seasonal/<<key>>
default: season
Per-Genre DC: # mapping name does not matter just needs to be unique
type: genre
- Talk Show
title_format: <<key_name>>
- Per_Genre
Per-Country DC: # mapping name does not matter just needs to be unique
type: country
title_format: <<key_name>> Cinema
- Per_Country
France: French
Germany: German
India: Indian
United States: American
England: British
Japan: Japanese
China: Chinese
South Korea: Korean
Italy: Italian
Spain: Spanish
Canada: Canadian
Mexico: Mexican
Australia: Australian
Brazil: Brazilian
Russia: Russian
Argentina: Argentinean
Belgium: Belgian
Denmark: Danish
Finland: Finnish
Greece: Greek
Iceland: Icelandic
Ireland: Irish
Netherlands: Dutch
New Zealand: New Zealand
Norway: Norwegian
Poland: Polish
Portugal: Portuguese
Sweden: Swedish
Switzerland: Swiss
Turkey: Turkish
Ukraine: Ukrainian
# Per-Actor-Movies DC: # mapping name does not matter just needs to be unique
# type: actor
# data:
# depth: 10 # must be in top X billed actors for a given movie for the movie to be added
# minimum: 10 # actor must be in at least X movies to have a collection made
# title_format: <<key_name>> (Actor)
# template:
# - Per_Actor
# Per-Director DC: # mapping name does not matter just needs to be unique
# type: director
# data:
# depth: 10 # must be in top X billed directors for a given movie for the movie to be added
# minimum: 10 # director must be in at least X movies to have a collection made
# title_format: <<key_name>> (Director)
# template:
# - Per_Director