templates: Studio: url_post: <> sort_title: +++++++_<> collection_order: alpha collections: ### Custom "From The Top": summary: "Let's start this from the beginning" collection_level: episode plex_pilots: true ### Trending "What Everyone Is Watching": summary: "What other BigBox users are checking out" libraries: "TV Shows" sync_mode: sync collection_order: custom tautulli_popular: list_days: 30 list_size: 15 list_minimum: 2 "Trending Now": summary: "The hottest shows right now" imdb_chart: popular_shows collection_order: custom sync_mode: sync #### Studios ABC: template: {name: Studio, poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/113115} tmdb_network: 2 summary: Shows Aired on ABC AMC: template: {name: Studio, poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/113118} tmdb_network: 174 summary: Shows Aired on AMC BBC: template: {name: Studio, poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/113123} tmdb_network: 4 summary: Shows Aired on BBC One CBS: template: {name: Studio, poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/113138} tmdb_network: 16 summary: Shows Aired on CBS FOX: template: {name: Studio, poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/113173} tmdb_network: 19 summary: Shows Aired on FOX HBO: template: {name: Studio, poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/113186} tmdb_network: 49 summary: HBO Orginal Shows NBC: template: {name: Studio, poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/113217} tmdb_network: 6 summary: Shows Aired on NBC Netflix: template: { name: Studio, poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/113218 } tmdb_network: 213 summary: HBO Orginal Shows Showtime: template: { name: Studio, poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/113257 } tmdb_network: 67 summary: Showtime Orginal Shows Starz: template: { name: Studio, poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/113265 } tmdb_network: 318 summary: Starz Orginal Shows SyFy: template: { name: Studio, poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/113267 } tmdb_network: 77 summary: Shows Aired on SYFY