external_templates: - repo: templates/collections - repo: templates/dynamic_collections collections: ### Genres "🔍 A Real-Life Whodunnit": template: { name: Genre } name_mapping: "True Crime Collection" summary: "True crime documentaries" trakt_list: - https://trakt.tv/users/lish408/lists/true-crime-documentary-series-film collection_order: random visible_home: false visible_shared: true dynamic_collections: ## Use DC as suffix to avoid name conflicts with static collections ## These get generated in the order they are listed here, so put the more intensive ones at the bottom Per-Genre DC Shows: # mapping name does not matter just needs to be unique type: genre exclude: - Action/Adventure - Awards Show - Podcast title_format: <> template: - Per_Genre key_name_override: Film-Noir: Film Noir