
422 lines
9.4 KiB

package main
import (
const (
Version = "2.4.7"
OpAdd = "add"
OpRemove = "remove"
type ApiVersion int
const (
VersionOne ApiVersion = iota
type gamesStats struct {
Played int64 `json:"played"`
Won int64 `json:"won"`
type awardsStats struct {
Cards int64 `json:"cards"`
Medals int64 `json:"medals"`
Bronze int64 `json:"medalsBronze"`
Silver int64 `json:"medalsSilver"`
Gold int64 `json:"medalsGold"`
var (
flagBind = flag.String("bind-address", ":8080", "Address to bind to for http requests")
flagCache = flag.String("cache", "redis://localhost:6379", "Cache uri or 'none' to disable")
flagCacheTime = flag.Int("cacheTime", 300, "Cache time in seconds")
cacheProvider cache.Provider
cacheTime time.Duration
profilePatch *jsonpatch.Patch
heroNames []string
platforms = []string{ovrstat.PlatformPC, ovrstat.PlatformXBL, ovrstat.PlatformPSN, ovrstat.PlatformNS}
func main() {
cacheProvider = cache.ForURI(*flagCache)
cacheTime = time.Duration(*flagCacheTime) * time.Second
var err error
ops := []patchOperation{
{Op: OpRemove, Path: "/quickPlayStats/topHeroes"},
{Op: OpRemove, Path: "/competitiveStats/topHeroes"},
{Op: OpRemove, Path: "/quickPlayStats/careerStats"},
{Op: OpRemove, Path: "/competitiveStats/careerStats"},
profilePatch, err = patchFromOperations(ops)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("Unable to create base patch:", err)
router := httprouter.New()
router.HEAD("/status", statusHandler)
router.GET("/status", statusHandler)
c := cors.New(cors.Options{
AllowedOrigins: []string{"*"},
router.NotFound = http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if r.Method != "OPTIONS" {
http.NotFound(w, r)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(*flagBind, c.Handler(router)))
func registerVersionOne(router *httprouter.Router) {
for _, platform := range platforms {
router.GET("/v1/stats/"+platform+"/:region/:tag/heroes/:heroes", injectPlatform(platform, heroes))
router.GET("/v1/stats/"+platform+"/:region/:tag/profile", injectPlatform(platform, profile))
router.GET("/v1/stats/"+platform+"/:region/:tag/complete", injectPlatform(platform, stats))
// Version
router.GET("/v1/version", versionHandler)
router.HEAD("/v1/status", statusHandler)
router.GET("/v1/status", statusHandler)
func registerVersionTwo(router *httprouter.Router) {
for _, platform := range platforms {
router.GET("/v2/stats/"+platform+"/:tag/heroes/:heroes", injectPlatform(platform, heroes))
router.GET("/v2/stats/"+platform+"/:tag/profile", injectPlatform(platform, profile))
router.GET("/v2/stats/"+platform+"/:tag/complete", injectPlatform(platform, stats))
router.GET("/v3/stats/"+platform+"/:tag/heroes/:heroes", injectPlatform(platform, heroes))
router.GET("/v3/stats/"+platform+"/:tag/profile", injectPlatform(platform, profile))
router.GET("/v3/stats/"+platform+"/:tag/complete", injectPlatform(platform, stats))
// Version
router.GET("/v2/version", versionHandler)
router.GET("/v3/version", versionHandler)
func loadHeroNames() {
res, err := http.Get("https://playoverwatch.com/en-us/heroes/")
if err != nil {
defer res.Body.Close()
doc, err := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(res.Body)
if err != nil {
links := doc.Find(".hero-portrait-detailed")
heroNames = make([]string, 0)
links.Each(func(_ int, s *goquery.Selection) {
val, exists := s.Attr("data-hero-id")
if !exists {
heroNames = append(heroNames, strcase.LowerCamelCase(val))
log.Println("Loaded heroes", heroNames)
var (
versionRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("^/(v\\d+)/")
func injectPlatform(platform string, handler httprouter.Handle) httprouter.Handle {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params) {
ps = append(ps, httprouter.Param{Key: "platform", Value: platform})
ctx := context.Background()
m := versionRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(r.RequestURI)
if m != nil {
version := VersionOne
switch m[1] {
case "v2":
version = VersionTwo
case "v3":
version = VersionThree
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, "version", version)
handler(w, r.WithContext(ctx), ps)
var (
tagRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("-(\\d+)$")
func statsResponse(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params, patch *jsonpatch.Patch) ([]byte, error) {
var stats *ovrstat.PlayerStats
var err error
version := VersionOne
if v := r.Context().Value("version"); v != nil {
version = v.(ApiVersion)
tag := ps.ByName("tag")
tag = strings.Replace(tag, "#", "-", -1)
cacheKey := generateCacheKey(r, ps)
platform := ps.ByName("platform")
switch platform {
case ovrstat.PlatformPC:
if !tagRegexp.MatchString(tag) {
return nil, errors.New("bad tag")
stats, err = ovrstat.PCStats(tag)
case ovrstat.PlatformPSN, ovrstat.PlatformXBL, ovrstat.PlatformNS:
stats, err = ovrstat.ConsoleStats(platform, tag)
return nil, errors.New("unknown platform")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Caching of full response for modification
res, err := cacheProvider.Get(cacheKey)
if res != nil && err == nil {
if patch != nil {
res, err = patch.Apply(res)
return res, err
extra := make([]patchOperation, 0)
if hs, ok := stats.QuickPlayStats.CareerStats["allHeroes"]; ok {
games := &gamesStats{}
games.Played = valueOrDefault(hs.Game, "gamesPlayed", 0)
games.Won = valueOrDefault(hs.Game, "gamesWon", 0)
awards := &awardsStats{}
awards.Cards = valueOrDefault(hs.MatchAwards, "cards", 0)
awards.Medals = valueOrDefault(hs.MatchAwards, "medals", 0)
awards.Bronze = valueOrDefault(hs.MatchAwards, "medalsBronze", 0)
awards.Silver = valueOrDefault(hs.MatchAwards, "medalsSilver", 0)
awards.Gold = valueOrDefault(hs.MatchAwards, "medalsGold", 0)
extra = append(extra, patchOperation{
Op: OpAdd,
Path: "/quickPlayStats/games",
Value: games,
}, patchOperation{
Op: OpAdd,
Path: "/quickPlayStats/awards",
Value: awards,
if hs, ok := stats.CompetitiveStats.CareerStats["allHeroes"]; ok {
games := &gamesStats{}
games.Played = valueOrDefault(hs.Game, "gamesPlayed", 0)
games.Won = valueOrDefault(hs.Game, "gamesWon", 0)
awards := &awardsStats{}
awards.Cards = valueOrDefault(hs.MatchAwards, "cards", 0)
awards.Medals = valueOrDefault(hs.MatchAwards, "medals", 0)
awards.Bronze = valueOrDefault(hs.MatchAwards, "medalsBronze", 0)
awards.Silver = valueOrDefault(hs.MatchAwards, "medalsSilver", 0)
awards.Gold = valueOrDefault(hs.MatchAwards, "medalsGold", 0)
extra = append(extra, patchOperation{
Op: OpAdd,
Path: "/competitiveStats/games",
Value: games,
}, patchOperation{
Op: OpAdd,
Path: "/competitiveStats/awards",
Value: awards,
rating := 0
var ratingIcon string
if len(stats.Ratings) > 0 {
totalRating := 0
iconUrl := ""
for _, rating := range stats.Ratings {
totalRating += rating.Level
iconUrl = rating.RankIcon
rating = totalRating / len(stats.Ratings)
urlBase := iconUrl[0 : strings.Index(iconUrl, "rank-icons/")+11]
ratingIcon = urlBase + iconFor(rating)
if version == VersionThree {
m := make(map[string]ovrstat.Rating)
ratingsPatches := make([]patchOperation, len(stats.Ratings))
for i, rating := range stats.Ratings {
m[rating.Role] = rating
ratingsPatches[i] = patchOperation{
Op: OpRemove,
Path: "/ratings/" + rating.Role + "/role",
extra = append(extra, patchOperation{
Op: OpRemove,
Path: "/ratings",
}, patchOperation{
Op: OpAdd,
Path: "/ratings",
Value: m,
extra = append(extra, ratingsPatches...)
extra = append(extra, patchOperation{
Op: OpAdd,
Path: "/rating",
Value: rating,
}, patchOperation{
Op: OpAdd,
Path: "/ratingIcon",
Value: ratingIcon,
b, err := json.Marshal(stats)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(extra) > 0 {
extraPatch, err := patchFromOperations(extra)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
b, err = extraPatch.Apply(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Cache response
if cacheTime > 0 {
cacheProvider.Set(cacheKey, b, cacheTime)
if patch != nil {
// Apply filter patch
b, err = patch.Apply(b)
return b, err
func iconFor(rating int) string {
if rating >= 4000 {
return "rank-GrandmasterTier.png"
} else if rating >= 3500 {
return "rank-MasterTier.png"
} else if rating >= 3000 {
return "rank-DiamondTier.png"
} else if rating >= 2500 {
return "rank-PlatinumTier.png"
} else if rating >= 2000 {
return "rank-GoldTier.png"
} else if rating >= 1500 {
return "rank-SilverTier.png"
return "rank-BronzeTier.png"
func generateCacheKey(r *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params) string {
version := VersionOne
if v := r.Context().Value("version"); v != nil {
version = v.(ApiVersion)
return versionToString(version) + "-" + ps.ByName("platform") + "-" + ps.ByName("tag")
func versionToString(version ApiVersion) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("v%d", version)