# Contributing Thanks so much for wanting to help! We really appreciate it. * Have an idea for a new feature? * Want to add a new built-in theme? Excellent! You've come to the right place. 1. If you find a bug or wish to suggest a new feature, please create an issue first 2. Make sure your code & comment conventions are in-line with the project's style (execute gometalinter as in [.travis.yml](.travis.yml) file) 3. Make your commits and PRs as tiny as possible - one feature or bugfix at a time 4. Write detailed commit messages, in-line with the project's commit naming conventions ## Theming Instructions This file contains instructions on adding themes to Mailgen: * [Using a Custom Theme](#using-a-custom-theme) * [Creating a Built-In Theme](#creating-a-built-in-theme) > We use Golang templates under the hood to inject the e-mail body into themes. ### Using a Custom Theme If you want to supply your own **custom theme** for Hermes to use (but don't want it included with Mailgen): 1. Create a new struct implementing `Theme` interface ([hermes.go](hermes.go)). An real-life example is in [default.go](default.go) 2. Supply your new theme at hermes creation ```go type MyCustomTheme struct{} func (dt *MyCustomTheme) Name() string { return "mycustomthem" } func (dt *MyCustomTheme) HTMLTemplate() string { // Get the template from a file (if you want to be able to change the template live without retstarting your application) // Or write the template by returning pure string here (if you want embbeded template and do not bother with external dependencies) return "" } func (dt *Default) PlainTextTemplate() string { // Get the template from a file (if you want to be able to change the template live without retstarting your application) // Or write the template by returning pure string here (if you want embbeded template and do not bother with external dependencies) return "" } h := hermes.Hermes{ Theme: new(MyCustomTheme) // Set your fresh new theme here Product: hermes.Product{ Name: "Hermes", Link: "https://example-hermes.com/", }, } // ... // Continue with the rest as usual, create your email and generate the content. // ... ``` 3. That's it. ### Creating a Built-In Theme If you want to create a new **built-in** Mailgen theme: 1. Fork the repository to your GitHub account and clone it to your computer 2. Create a new Go file named after your new theme 3. Copy content of [default.go](default.go) file in new file and make any necessary changes 6. Scroll down to the [injection snippets](#injection-snippets) and copy and paste each code snippet into the relevant area of your template markup 7. Test the theme by running the `examples/*.js` scripts (insert your theme name in each script) and observing the template output in `preview.html` 8. Take a screenshot of your theme portraying each example and place it in `screenshots/{theme}/{example}.png` 9. Add the theme name, credit, and screenshots to the `README.md` file's [Supported Themes](README.md#supported-themes) section (copy one of the existing themes' markup and modify it accordingly) 7. Submit a pull request with your changes and we'll let you know if anything's missing! Thanks again for your contribution! # Injection Snippets ## Product Branding Injection The following will inject either the product logo or name into the template. ```html <% if (locals.product.logo) { %> <% } else { %> <%- product.name %> <% } %> ``` It's a good idea to add the following CSS declaration to set `max-height: 50px` for the logo: ```css .email-logo { max-height: 50px; } ``` ## Title Injection The following will inject the e-mail title (Hi John Appleseed,) or a custom title provided by the user: ```html <%- title %> ``` ## Intro Injection The following will inject the intro text (string or array) into the e-mail: ```html <% if (locals.intro) { %> <% intro.forEach(function (introItem) { -%>
<%- introItem %>
<% }) -%> <% } %> ``` ## Dictionary Injection The following will inject a `
width="<%= table.columns.customWidth[column] %>"
<% } %>
<% if(locals.table.columns && locals.table.columns.customAlignment && locals.table.columns.customAlignment[column]) { %>
style="text-align:<%= table.columns.customAlignment[column] %>"
<% } %>
<%- column.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + column.slice(1) %> |
<% } %>
style="text-align:<%= table.columns.customAlignment[column] %>" <% } %> > <%- table.data[i][column] %> | <% } %>
<%- actionItem.instructions %>
<%- actionItem.button.text %> <% }) -%> <% } %> ``` It's a good idea to add this to the top of the template to specify a fallback color for the action buttons in case it wasn't provided by the user: ```html <% if (locals.action) { // Make it possible to override action button color (specify fallback color if no color specified) locals.action.forEach(function(actionItem) { if (!actionItem.button.color) { actionItem.button.color = '#48CFAD'; } }); } %> ``` ## Outro Injection The following will inject the outro text (string or array) into the e-mail: ```html <% if (locals.outro) { %> <% outro.forEach(function (outroItem) { -%><%- outroItem %>
<% }) -%> <% } %> ``` ## Signature Injection The following will inject the signature phrase (e.g. Yours truly) along with the product name into the e-mail: ```html <%- signature %>,